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Fixed in 2020.3.48f1



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Entities Package disapears from the Package Manager when expanding it and pressing on "See other versions"



How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-attached project “My Projectdadawd”
2. Open the Package Manager → Packages: In Project
3. Expand the Entities Package in the Packages list and click “See other versions”
4. Observe the Package list

Expected result: Entities Package is still on the list
Actual result: Entities Package is gone from the list

Reproducible with 2020.3.41f1, 2020.3.45f1
Not reproducible with: 2020.3.40f1, 2021.3.19f1
Couldn’t test with: 2022.2.7f1, 2023.1.0b4, 2023.2.0a3 (You can’t expand the Package, and there is no “See other versions”)

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro, Windows 10 Pro

Note: After relaunching the project, the Package reappears on the list

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