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[ShaderCompiler] Shader files that include .cginc files don't record them as dependencies (for package export etc.)



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ShaderDependenciesBug"
2. Go to Assets/Marmoset/Shader/Terrain
3. Right click "Marmoset Terrain Specular" shader and select "Log EditorUtility.CollectDependencies"
4. Notice that "MarmosetTerrain" shader will not appear in the log,
even though "Marmoset Terrain Specular" is dependent on it (#include "MarmosetTerrain.cginc)
5. Right click "Marmoset Terrain Specular" shader and select "Log AssetDatabase.GetDependencies"
6. In the log you can see that both cginc files and fallback shaders are excluded

Comments (2)

  1. raffc1

    Sep 28, 2016 12:53

    Somewhat pointless exporting a package if it doesn't include shaders and their associated includes. Even standard assets like water don't export properly and render as pink with a missing include file error.

    Seems OTT to have to setup an artist with full source control to have a brief look at something in a scene, and it's not practical to send over huge entire project files.

  2. jhughes_otherside

    Sep 20, 2016 18:57

    This is a massive pain for anyone who hands around files without using source control. Artists especially, building remotely, will typically import a bunch of new 3rd party shaders and when they send over their work, we have them send it as an asset pack. This bug makes the asset package worthless for us.

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