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[Editor] Game window doesn't minimize with Shift + Space in Play mode



Game window does not minimize when a mouse is hovered over it and Shift + Space is pressed in play mode

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Hit Play
3. Hover mouse over Game tab and Press Shift + Space
4. Again Press Shift + Space on Maximized Game window.

Actual Result:
Game window doesn't minimize in Play mode

Expected result:
Game window should minimize even in Play mode.

Work Around:
Select "Maximize from the context menu of the Game window.

Reproducible on:
2019.1.0a10, 2018.3.0b12, 2018.3.0b3

Works on:
2018.3.0b2, 2018.2.0f2

Refer attached video

Windows and Mac

  1. Resolution Note (2018.3.X):

    Closing the issue by Resolving it as By Design based on the inputs by Leonardo Carneiro.

    Added comments from Leonardo from slack for reference:

    I'm inclined to close it as by design or won't fix.
    If we revert the behaviour to how it was before, users then cannot test their games if the game needs Shift+Space pressed for the game behaviour.
    This points to a missing functionality, the ability for users to pick which shortcuts should be available when in playmode.

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