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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Editor font is not displayed correctly if the Package Manager window is open when the project is loaded



If you load a project that has the Package Manager Window open, the font in the editor will not be displayed correctly. It will stay this way until the next time the project is opened (unless the Package Manager window is still left open).

I have seen this happen every now and then using 2019.1.0 and early versions of 2019.2.0, but I can reproduce it 100% of the time using versions made since Package Manager UI moved to become a module.

1. Open Unity
2. Load the attached project
3. If the Package Manager window is not open, Open it via Window > Package Manager and open the project again

Expected Result:
The text in the editor is displayed correctly.

Actual Result:
The editor text is not displayed correctly.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on 2019.2.0a11, 2019.2.0a10

Occurs sporadically on 2019.1.0b11, 2019.2.0a8

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    The editor re-skin and moving Package Manager into Unity core have resolved this issue.

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