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Fixed in 1.7.4



Found in [Package]



Issue ID




Editor crashes related to AOT stubs when building for IL2CPP

Package: Visual Scripting


*Reproducible on:*
* VS version: 1.6.1,
* Editor version: 2021.1.15f1
* Platform: Windows 10

*Steps to Reproduce:*
# Get the project from the collab tool, please follow this doc to set it up
# use the Repro: CreativeJuice (use exactly this one since there is like 3 with some variation of the same name)
# Go to File->Build Settings and select if not selected Standalone builds (Windows, Mac, Linux)
# Click on Player settings and change scripting backend from Mono to IL2CPP
# Click to build

*Actual Results:*
* Editor Crashed/Close on step: Finding AOT stubs in plugins.
* No crash error log is found

*Expected Results:*
* Editor should not crash/close on the mentioned step when building.

* The issue is only reproducible with IL2CPP, if the user build for Mono, the build is successful
* The issue is *not reproducible* with VS 1.7.2 or 1.7.3
* According to this thread it seems the issue is not reproducible on mac

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