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Duplicate lights added by Particle Lights module or Culling

Visual Effects - Legacy


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open [Particles] FTP (from collab).
2. Open 18_LightsModule scene.
3. Get everything previewing in edit mode by selecting all the particle system prefabs in the Scene view.
4. Put a breakpoint EnlightenRuntimeManager::AddCustomLights and notice that we are getting a list of custom lights from the culling with duplicate lights.

> Unity.exe!EnlightenRuntimeManager::AddCustomLights(const ActiveLights & customLights) Line 1726 C++
Unity.exe!CullLights(CullResults & results) Line 237 C++
Unity.exe!CullScene(CullResults & results) Line 578 C++
Unity.exe!Camera::CustomCull(const CameraCullingParameters & parameters, CullResults & results, bool sendOnPreCullMessage) Line 1523 C++
Unity.exe!Camera::Cull(CullResults & results, CullFlag cullFlags) Line 1251 C++
Unity.exe!DoRenderScreenCamera(Camera * cam, void(*)() postPerCameraCall) Line 119 C++
Unity.exe!RenderManager::RenderCameras(const int displayId, void(*)() postPerCameraCall) Line 288 C++
Unity.exe!RepaintController::RenderGameViewCameras(RenderTexture * target, const int displayId, const RectT<float> & screenRect, const Vector2f & mousePosition, bool gizmos, bool sendInput) Line 130 C++
Unity.exe!EditorGUIUtility::RenderGameViewCamerasInternal(RenderTexture * target, int targetDisplay, const RectT<float> & screenRect, const Vector2f & mousePosition, bool gizmos, bool sendInput) Line 160 C++

Observed values:
- customLights {lights={size = 202} hasMainLight=false numDirLights=0 ...} const ActiveLights &
+ lights {size = 202} dynamic_array<ActiveLight,0>
hasMainLight false bool
numDirLights 0 unsigned __int64
numSpotLights 94 unsigned __int64
numPointLights 108 unsigned __int64

EnlightenRuntimeManager::AddCustomLights is not adding duplicate lights to m_CustomLightHashState. So the expected size of m_CustomLightHashState should be 202.

Actual size of m_CustomLightHashState is 154:
gRuntimeManagerPtr->m_CustomLightHashState.m_Hashes {size = 154} dynamic_array<LightData,0>

  1. Resolution Note (2019.1.X):

    This issue has been identified as having low priority and has been closed without a fix. If the bug has no workaround and is blocking your production, please feel free to reopen it with any additional information you might have. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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