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[DOTS] Non-Serialized SharedComponentData gets lost during background conversion

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached 'BugProject.7z' project
2. Open 'SampleScene' Scene
3. Tick 'New Sub Scene' subscene checkbox in the Hierarchy
4. Enter Play Mode and observe the Console
5. Exit Play Mode
6. Untick 'New Sub Scene' subscene checkbox in the Hierarchy
7. Enter Play Mode

Expected result: Results of Non-Serialized SharedComponentData logged to the Console remains the same with opened and closed subscene
Actual result: Results Non-Serialized SharedComponentData logged to the Console differ dependent if subscene is opened or closed

Reproducible with: 2019.4.0f1(0.9.1-preview.15, 0.10.0-preview.6), 2020.1.0b12(0.9.1-preview.15, 0.10.0-preview.6), 2020.2.0a14(0.9.1-preview.15, 0.10.0-preview.6, 0.11.0-preview.7)
Could not test with: 2018.4.23f1 ECS is not introduced

- Screenshots of the issue attached in Edit
- Not reproducible with ComponentData field

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue related to FixedList has been fixed.

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