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Fixed in 2022.3.29f1, 6000.0.2f1
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Issue ID
.framework plugin is mistakenly treated as a directory when building for Universal Windows Platform
Reproductions steps:
1. Open the attached “” project
2. Switch build target to Universal Windows Platform
3. In the Project window, navigate to Assets\Plugins\iOS\ and select the Placeholder. Make sure in the Inspector window that the selected platforms are "any platform" (and no exclusion)
4. Build the project
Expected result: build succeeds
Actual result: build fails
Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a15, 2022.3.22f1, 2023.2.15f1, 6000.0.0b12
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.36f1, 2022.2.0a14
Reproducible on: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: no other environment tested
- The workaround is to exclude "WSAPlayer" in the plugin import settings.
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Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.2f1):
The issue is fixed by filtering the plugins for UWP for folder plugins like .framework or .plugin and now should not be added to the build process.
Resolution Note (fix version 2022.3.29f1):
The issue is fixed by filtering the plugins for UWP for folder plugins like .framework or .plugin and now should not be added to the build process.