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Deleting an ARC by deleting its folder does not redraw the window



When moving the ARC to a folder, then subsequently deleting that folder, the ARC window keeps showing the deleted asset.

# Create an ARC
# Open the ARC
# Create a folder
# Drag the ARC to the folder
# Delete the folder

Expected: The ARC window shows the empty state

Actual: The ARC window shows the deleted asset


This only if you move it to a folder without redrawing to a different ARC asset, i.e. if you select another ARC asset, then select the one in the folder again and delete it, it will redraw to show an empty window

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue was tested with the latest 6000.0.3f1 on mac (platform where the bug was found originally) and it cannot be reproduced anymore.

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