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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




Dedicated Server Optimizations causes error logs and null reference at runtime



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “DedicatedServerShaderErrors“ project
2. Make sure to switch the Platform to “Dedicated Server” (File > Build Settings > “Dedicated Server” > “Switch Platform”)
3. Open the “SampleScene”
4. Make sure to disable “Enable Dedicated Server optimizations” (Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Optimization)
5. Build And Run
6. Observe the Player Console

Expected result: No errors are logged
Actual result: Multiple “shader is not supported on this GPU” errors are thrown

Reproduced with: 2021.3.34f1, 2022.3.18f1, 2023.2.7f1, 2023.3.0b5

Reproduced on: Windows 11
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

GPU reproduced with: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (by reporter), NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU

1. Reproducible in a new project
2. Not reproducible in a Windows Standalone Player
3. Reproducible with HD RP and URP
4. Not reproducible in the Editor
5. Even though errors are thrown the Player continues to run
6. A Full Dedicated Server Player log with errors is provided in the internal comments

Comments (3)

  1. unity_386FCE156E1ECE949CA7

    Jan 24, 2024 09:42

    How Can I Recover My Lost BTC AND USDT - Coin Recovery Specialist

    Coin Recovery Specialist is the best choice to recover lost BTC And USDT. Their proven track record of success, unmatched customer service, and numerous benefits make them stand out among their competitors.

    Additionally, the company employs advanced techniques and tools to recover lost BTC And USDT. These techniques include blockchain analysis, which involves tracing the movement of funds through the blockchain. Highly Recommended.

    Learn more; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com
    Through Email; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com

  2. unity_386FCE156E1ECE949CA7

    Jan 24, 2024 09:42

    How Can I Recover My Lost BTC AND USDT - Coin Recovery Specialist

    Coin Recovery Specialist is the best choice to recover lost BTC And USDT. Their proven track record of success, unmatched customer service, and numerous benefits make them stand out among their competitors.

    Additionally, the company employs advanced techniques and tools to recover lost BTC And USDT. These techniques include blockchain analysis, which involves tracing the movement of funds through the blockchain. Highly Recommended.

    Learn more; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com
    Through Email; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com

  3. unity_386FCE156E1ECE949CA7

    Jan 24, 2024 09:38

    How Can I Recover My Lost BTC AND USDT - Coin Recovery Specialist

    Coin Recovery Specialist is the best choice to recover lost BTC And USDT. Their proven track record of success, unmatched customer service, and numerous benefits make them stand out among their competitors.

    Additionally, the company employs advanced techniques and tools to recover lost BTC And USDT. These techniques include blockchain analysis, which involves tracing the movement of funds through the blockchain. Highly Recommended.

    Learn more; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com
    Through Email; CoinRecoverySpecialists @Gmail.Com

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