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Cycling between objects with Custom Editor script's materials results in errors and glitched Inspector window



How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene"
2. In Hierarchy window, expand "BUG" object
3. Cycle between "BUG" object and its children(reproduces in around 30 cycles, use arrow keys to make the process quicker)
4. Observe Inspector window's material component

Expected result: the material is visible
Actual result: material glitches out, errors in Console window are thrown

Reproducible with: 2017.4.32f1, 2018.4.8f1, 2019.2.3f1, 2019.3.0b1, 2020.1.0a2

Thrown errors:
"A PreviewRenderUtility was not clean up properly before assembly reloading which lead to leaking this scene in the Editor. This can be caused by not calling Cleanup() during the OnDisable of an Editor or an EditorWindow."

"InvalidOperationException: Preview scene could not be created"

"Attempting to open > 63 preview scenes, this is not supported, ensure you dispose of preview scenes properly"

"EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first."

  1. Resolution Note (2020.1.X):

    LOw Priority defect, unlikely to be fix for the near future.

Comments (4)

  1. polyflow3d

    Feb 27, 2021 19:16

    Looks like EditorSceneManager.ClosePreviewScene() is broken

  2. Maltesj

    Mar 05, 2020 09:42

    It also happens when you cycle through rootGameObjects in scenes.

  3. metaphysician

    Nov 08, 2019 12:34

    agreed - this is a pretty frustrating bug i found that cropped up in 2019.1.8. in this case i was selecting a object with a Skinned Mesh Renderer. selecting other objects did stop the message, but it's quite annoying and makes it impossible to edit the materials on the object with Skinned Meshes.

  4. gmentat

    Oct 27, 2019 19:16

    We get the same error, it gets thrown out endlessly whenever we select an object in Inspector with a preview. You have to restart Unity to stop the endless error loop, until it appears again.

    A lot of time wasted by programmers and level designers. How is this low priority?

    Maybe there's a way to mitigate it?

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