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CustomEditor/Drawer for component does not work in an assembly when the name of an assembly dependency has uncommon chars



How to reproduce:
1. Open user attached project
2. Select the "Something.asmdef" assembly
3. In the inspector, change its Name to any of "[Something]", "Something)", "Somêthing", etc.
4. Now select the "SomethingDrawer.asmdef" assembly
5. Drag "Something.asmdef" to the reference in the Inspector
6. Open "SomethingDrawer.cs" and un-comment its contents
7. After compilation, select any file in the project view, so the Inspector is forced to draw something
8. Watch the TypeLoadExceptions and GUI errors:
"TypeLoadException: Could not load type Something, Somêthing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null while decoding custom attribute: (null)"
"GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)"

Expected results: Editor lets you use characters without errors
Actual results: Errors occur once uncommon characters are used

Reproducible with: 2017.1.5f1, 2017.2.3p4, 2017.4.10f1, 2018.1.9f2, 2018.2.7f1, 2018.3.0b1

Note: Only happens with weird characters like [, ], {, }, ê, etc, cause this. Apparently, hyphens are accepted.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Hi there,

    We really appreciate your contribution to the Unity product. Thank you for reporting this issue. We take every case submitted to us seriously by investigating the impact on you, our customer, as well as the impact it may have on the engineering and experience of our product.

    This particular case has been investigated thoroughly and we have decided, in the interests of protecting the stability and features of Unity for users that rely upon the affected versions, to not address this fix for the time being. We understand that this will cause problems for some users, and so may address in a future version.

    Unity QA Team

Comments (1)

  1. tujizavo

    Aug 24, 2020 04:53

    In some custom editor, there is an option of trackers to track the features and track the devices. According to their feedback we can reinstall the software to download it with their advanced features.

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