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Custom Property Drawers are not allways called when calling Property Field



To reproduce:

1. Open the project, attached by the tester (
2. Open the "scene" scene.
3. Select the "Test" game object in the hierarchy.
4. Observe how ValueTest class is drawn

Expected: if a serializable class A is drawn with a custom Property Drawer and it contains a serializable class B, which is has a custom Property Drawer defined for it, class B should be drawn with that custom Property Drawer, not the default one

Actual: a custom Property Drawer of a serializable class is ignored when an object of that class is a field of another class, which is drawn with a custom Property Drawer.

Reproduced in 5.6.4p3, 2017.1.2p2, 2017.2.0f3, 2017.2.1p1, 2017.3.0p3, 2018.1.0b4

  1. Resolution Note:

    with UIE out of experimental i suggest users to use it instead. Also, since it's only affecting a few users, it likely won't be fixed.

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