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Fixed in 2018.1.X



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Issue ID




Custom Inspector Style background color is much brighter than declared



How to reproduce:
1. Open tester's project (
2. Open scene "1.unity"
3. Select "Main Camera" GameObject
4. Inspect Volumetric Fog script custom inspector color

Expected result: Custom inspector background color corresponds to the declared RGB brightness
Actual result: Custom inspector background color is too bright for the declared RGB brightness

Reproducible with: 2018.1.0a2, 2018.1.0f1, 2018.2.0b1
Not reproducible with: 2017.2.2p3, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.4.1f1, 2018.1.0a1
Could not test with: 5.6.6f1, 2017.1.3p3 (Project is not compatible)

Comments (2)

  1. mikael_kalms

    Sep 26, 2018 07:18

    Hmm - this may on the other hand be a problem with the plugin. If I force it to create its background textures in non-linear color space (by setting linear = false in the Texture2D constructor), then the UI elements are no longer too bright.

  2. mikael_kalms

    Sep 26, 2018 06:46

    This may well have been fixed in 2018.1 as the issue claims, but in that case there has been a regression with 2018.2-2018.3. We see this happen in 2018.2.1f1, 2018.2.5f1, 2018.3.0b2 when using in our custom inspectors.

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