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Custom GameObject crashes the Editor when the Mesh Collider Component is added



How to reproduce:
# Open the “MeshColliderCrash“ project
# Select the “crashing-mesh-collider“ GameObject in Hierarchy
# Add a Mesh Collider to the GameObject
# Observe the Editor

Expected result: The Mesh Collider Component is added
Actual result: The Mesh Collider Component causes a crash

Reproducible in: 2021.3.33f1, 2022.3.14f1, 2023.2.1f1, 2023.3.0a16

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproduced on: Mac M1 12.6.1, Mac M1 13.5.2, Linux Ubuntu 20.03 5 LTS

- Workaround: Before adding the Collider remove the Mesh from the Mesh Filter Component, Add the Mesh Collider, and Assign the “crashing-mesh-collider“ Mesh for the Mesh Filter and the Mesh Collider Components
- After the workaround Information, Warnings, and StackOverflow Errors appear in the Console, and memory usage is increased when anything is changed within the Editor (most noticible by toggling the Convex property off, see the workaround video)
- Bug reporter window does not open after the crash

WORKAROUND: Disable the fast midphase cooking option.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is a problem in the PhysX version we're using at the moment. For until we have a newer version that doesn't suffer from this problem, a possible workaround is to disable the fast midphase option in the MeshCollider cooking options.

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