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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Creating a new project will throw multiple assertion failures regarding 'artifactMetaInfo != nullptr



Creating a new project will throw multiple assertion failures regarding 'artifactMetaInfo != nullptr'

As of 2019.3.0a9, creating new projects will throw multiple nondescript assertion failures such as:

Assertion failed on expression: 'artifactMetaInfo != nullptr'
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:GetPrecompiledAssemblies(Boolean, BuildTargetGroup, BuildTarget)
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper:ExtractAllClassesThatAreUserExtendedScripts(String, String[]&, String[]&, String[]&)

Assertion failed on expression: 'txn.Exists(guid)'

Assertion failed on expression: 'false'

Steps to reproduce:
- In Unity 2019.3.0a9, either open the attached project or create a new project (any template should work)
- Upon loading the editor, observe numerous assertion failures

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Fixed in 2019.3.0a10.

Comments (3)

  1. BooleanGames

    Sep 30, 2019 19:15

    Still happening in 2019.3.0b4 with new project.

  2. decimate_3d

    Aug 31, 2019 06:40

    I'm getting these errors in 2019.3.0b1 when creating a new project

    Assertion failed on expression: 'txn.Exists(guid)'

    Assertion failed on expression: 'false'

    The editor layout could not be fully loaded, this can happen when the layout contains EditorWindows not available in this project

  3. TheDemiurge

    Aug 30, 2019 14:51

    Just had this happen on the very first project I created in 2019.3.0b1

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