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Fixed in 6000.0.8f1



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Issue ID




Crash on mono_domain_set when opening a specific project



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “ReproProj” project

Expected result: The project opens
Actual result: The Editor crashes

Reproducible with: 6000.0.4f1, 6000.0.7f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.36f1, 6000.0.3f1
Fixed in: 6000.0.8f1

Reproducible on: macOS 14.5 (M1 Max)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

First few lines of the stack trace:
Obtained 73 stack frames.
#0 0x000003331a072c in mono_domain_set
#1 0x000001012f534c in BurstCompilerService::CompileAsync(ScriptingMethodPtr, void*, int, void ({_})(void{_}, int, void*), void ({_})(void{_}, BurstLogType, char const*, char const*, int), char const*)
#2 0x000001012fa350 in CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(ScriptingObjectPtr, char const*)
#3 0x00000100ecd144 in BurstCompilerService_CUSTOM_CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*, BindingsManagedSpan*)
#4 0x000003cae6f5a8 in (wrapper managed-to-native) Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService:CompileAsyncDelegateMethod_Injected (object,UnityEngine.Bindings.ManagedSpanWrapper&) [


+ 0x68] (0x3cae6f540 0x3cae6f610) [0x32d84aa80 - Unity Child Domain]
#5 0x000003cae6f438 in Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService:CompileAsyncDelegateMethod (object,string) [


+ 0x1b8] (0x3cae6f280 0x3cae6f49c) [0x32d84aa80 - Unity Child Domain]
#6 0x000003cae6dde8 in Unity.Burst.BurstCompiler:Compile (object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool,bool) [


+ 0x250] [./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.burst/Runtime/BurstCompiler.cs :: 414u] (0x3cae6db98 0x3cae6df44) [0x32d84aa80 - Unity Child Domain]
#7 0x000003cae6da84 in Unity.Burst.BurstCompiler:Compile (object,bool) [


+ 0xac]

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