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Compiler fails with an error when a dynamic type item is added to a List<dynamic>



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
- Note that there is a compilation error in the console:
error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite' is not defined or imported
error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite`1' is not defined or imported

Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings

- The error disappears and everything compiles properly when line 48 (list.Add(one); (object 'one' has the type 'dynamic')) is commented out from the script <..>/Editor/Scripts/Utils/Plist.cs

- Reproduced in Version 5.4.0b11 (323b0238353b), Version 5.3.4p1 (e89f89413a91), Version 5.2.4f1 (98095704e6fe)

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