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Collab history text disappears with 4+ Commits on MAC

Package: Collab Proxy


To Reproduce:
0 - Use a MAC
1 - Open a new unity project
2 - Start unity collab
3 - Select an organisation
4 - Make a cube and save the scene
5 - Publish changes on collab
6 - Make a new cube and save the scene
7 - Publish changes on collab
8 - Make a cube and save the scene
9 - Publish changes on collab
10 - Make a cube and save the scene
11 - Publish changes on collab
12- Under collab press "view history"
13 - There should be 4 versions
14 - Scroll up and down with MAC

Actual Result:
The text is missing and so are some of the buttons

Expected Result:
The text and buttons to show on the window.

Reproducible in:
2020.1.0a2, 2020.1.0a3, 2020.1.0a4

Tested in:
2020.1.0a1, 2020.1.0a2, 2020.1.0a3, 2020.1.0a4, 2019.3.0b1, 2019.3.0b1, 2019.1.13f1, 2018.4.5f1

Tested on MAC

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