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Some Clear flags of Cameras are not working when using Post Process Layer and Directly to Camera Target is set to true
How to reproduce:
1. Open user attached project ""
2. Open "SampleScene" scene
Expected result: Game view background is a skybox
Actual result: Game view background is black
Reproducible with - 2019.1.0a10, 2019.1.0b1, 2019.2.0a3, 2019.3.0a2
Not reproducible with - 2018.3.3f1
1) Cant Test with 2019.1.0a1 - 2019.1.0a9 because Post Process Layer script component does not load
2) Could not reproduce with 2017.4 because Post Process Layer script didn't load
3) Don't Clear and Depth Only Clear flags are not working
May 21, 2019 16:00
Reproducible in 2019.1.3
May 11, 2019 10:57
Reproducible in 2019.1.2...
May 06, 2019 19:46
Reproducible in 2019.1.1
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Resolution Note (2019.1.X):
The "Direct to Camera Target" option removes the final blit Unity does when outputting to the screen, instead letting the post-processing stack output directly to that screen for a small performance benefit. However, this means that any cameras which render after this camera will not be combined with what has been rendered so far, effectively clearing the screen for those cameras. So, this option should only be used on the last camera that you are going to render in a frame.
Note that some users have run into this behaviour when upgrading from older versions to Unity 2019.1 or later. This is because the option was unintentionally enabled by default, but did not do anything in versions prior to Unity 2019.1. (The default has been corrected, as of Postprocessing 2.1.7). Disabling the option will restore the Unity 2018 behaviour.
The behaviour can also be controlled at runtime, via the API on the PostProcessLayer component; for more information, see