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Cinemachine - Apply to all children prompt when no children exist

Package: Cinemachine


When changing the layer of a camera a pop up prompt appears asking to "Apply to all Children". There are no child objects attached to the camera game object.

Steps to reproduce
- Open the attached project in Unity 2018.30f1
- Open the "ClearShot Demo Scene"
- In the hierarchy select "CM ClearShot1 > CM vcam3"
- In the Inspector change the "Layer" from Default to any of the listed layers
Notice issue >> Prompt appears asking to apply changes to all children.

Tested Package Versions: 2.2.7, 2.2.0, 2.1.12
Tested Unity Versions 2018.3.0f1

Unable to test in 2019.1 because of issues with cinemachine package.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is a known issue. Cinemachine creates hidden children on the vcam. We are working on changing this behaviour, CM 3.0 will not do this.

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