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CanvasScaler does not scale UI properly if the Camera uses the "Viewport Rect" property



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "";
2. Open Scene.unity;
3. Enter a Play mode;
4. Switch to 4:3 in Game view;
5. Select "Modify Camera.rect" GameObject in Hierarchy;
6. Change the "Value" slider in the Inspector from 0 to 0.3;

Expected results: CanvasScaler should take the Camera.rect value into account, to properly scale UI elements.
Actual results: no UI element is scaled - UI elements start to overlap.

Reproduced on: 5.6.3p4, 2017.1.2p1, 2017.2.0f3, 2017.3.0b5, 2018.1.0a1.

Comments (2)

  1. JuicyPixels

    Sep 27, 2018 15:18

    I found something that could work if anyone else is having the same problem:

  2. JuicyPixels

    Sep 27, 2018 15:16

    I'm having exactly the same issue, are there any workarounds?

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