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7.1.1, 7.2.1

Issue ID




2D Lights cannot be created and an error is thrown when using 2D Renderer in project created with URP Template

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project's Scene labeled "SampleScene"
2. In Hierarchy, add a 2D Light (Right-Click to open a Context Menu, Light -> 2D)

Expected result: 2D Light is added
Actual result: 2D Light is not added and there's nothing displayed or an error is thrown in the Console Window

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0b4 (7.1.1), 2019.3.2f1 (7.1.8, 7.2.1), 2020.1.0a23 (7.1.7, 7.2.1)
Not reproducible with: 2019.3.0b3 (7.0.1)
Couldn't test with: 2017.4.37f1 (Package Manager does not exist), 2018.4.17f1 (2D Lights do not exist)

Note: 2D Lights can be created when importing Universal RP to project created with 2D Template

  1. Resolution Note:

    The URP template project has per-quality level render pipeline assets. In order to use the 2D Renderer, you have to assign a 2D Renderer Data asset to the pipeline asset of your active quality level.

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