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Fixed in 2020.1.X



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Issue ID




[Camera] Align View to Selected functionality is broken

Scene/Game View


Steps to reproduce:

1. Download and open the attached project
2. In the Hierarchy panel, select the Main Camera game object
3. Go to GameObject > Align View To Selected
4. Notice that the view is not aligned properly (check Game view for reference)


- Regression introduced in 2020.1.0a19

Comments (157)

  1. VeronicaWalton

    Aug 10, 2021 14:55

  2. intuisyz

    Aug 09, 2021 03:53

    nice post....

  3. unity_-LgLCxsaHM_dHQ

    Aug 06, 2021 15:45

    Your blog has a whole lot of valid information. I will come back for more.

  4. VeronicaWalton

    Jul 28, 2021 14:23

  5. VeronicaWalton

    Jul 27, 2021 06:46

  6. VeronicaWalton

    Jul 25, 2021 07:32

  7. VeronicaWalton

    Jul 23, 2021 14:31

  8. VeronicaWalton

    Jul 12, 2021 12:50

  9. Playergames10

    Jul 09, 2021 14:09

  10. Probity118

    Jul 07, 2021 14:16

    This is the best blog anyone can find authentic information on. Your blog has a whole lot of valid information. I will come back for more.

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