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[Burst] Low performance when using AMD Ryzen CPUs

Package: Burst


*How to access an Ubuntu machine with AMD Ryzen CPU:*
* 1. [~daugardas.luksas] has kindly offered access to his Ubuntu AMD Ryzen CPU machine via `VNC` or `ssh` (thank you Daugardas! (*))

* 2. When you take on this bug, please reach out to [~daugardas.luksas] via slack to communicate/discuss the day/days you need access to the machine to investigate the bug.

* 3. He can then turn on the machine, set up `VNC` on it (or `ssh`) and provide you with the IP to the machine and the login-info.

* 4. You should now be able to investigate this bug and follow the repro-steps below!

*Reproduction steps:*
1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project
2. Click Window > General > Test Runner
3. Run all “Hitting_The_Wall“ tests
4. Observe the total running time of the tests

*Expected results:* Tests are finished within 1 minute
Actual results: Tests are finished in 6 minutes

*Reproduced with:* 1.8.18 (2022.3.49f1), 1.8.8 (2023.3.0a2), 1.8.17, 1.8.18 (6000.0.20f1, 6000.0.22f1)
Couldn’t reproduce with: 2021.3.44f1 (Burst is not available in 2021.3)

*Reproduced on:* Ubuntu 22.04 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800), Windows 11 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800)
Not reproduced on: Ubuntu 22.04 (Intel i9-10885H), Windows 11 (Intel Core 9-11900H)

- Intel i9-10885H finishes all the tests in 51 seconds
- AMD Ryzen 7 5800 finishes all tests in 362 seconds

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