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BossRoom: Healer ability doesn't work if a player at low health is standing near is a player at full health

Package: Multiplayer Samples


*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Install
*NGO 2.0.0 - BossRoom Builds for Playtest*
Editor: 6000.0.15f1
BossRoom: experimental/ngo-2-0-0-update (11aeb23)
NGO: develop-2.0.0 (31c30e52d)


2. Ensure several people are playing

3. Have one person select a healer

4. Have everyone go into a game together

5. Do not enable cheats

6. Allow one player's health to decrease

7. Have that player move next to a player at full health

8. Have the healer use the ability

*Actual results:*  Healer ability doesn't work if a player at low health is standing near is a player at full health. Sepcifically, the animation plays but the character at low health does not see their bar change, or any change to their amount of health. If they move away from the fully healed character to a new spot, the character can be healed

*Expected results:*  Healer ability works as expected in all cases.

*Reproducible with versions:* 

*NGO 2.0.0 - BossRoom Builds for Playtest*
Editor: 6000.0.15f1
BossRoom: experimental/ngo-2-0-0-update (11aeb23)
NGO: develop-2.0.0 (31c30e52d)

*Tested on (OS):* Android, Mac, iOS, Windows


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