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[Bolt] Visual Scripting Asset doesn't get opened in the Graph window when trying to open it not through the Inspector

Package: Visual Scripting


*Reproducible on:*
* Bolt version: 1.4.14
* Unity version: 2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.17f1, 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.1f1, 2021.1.0b1
* Platforms: Windows 10, macOS Catalina and most probably it will occur on Ubuntu as well

*How to reproduce:*
# Open the user's attached project
# Make sure that the graph window is completely closed (not docked not floating)
# In the Project window double-click on the 'Test' Asset
# In the project window right-click on the "Test" Asset and click "Open"

*Actual result:*
* The 'Test' Asset does not get opened in the Graph window

*Expected result:*
* When the user double clicks or right-click to open a graph on the Project Windows the Graph window should open respecting the user's previous preferences (windows is docked or floating).

* This is reproducible regarding the project.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This UX improvement will be delivered in 21.2. Track this here:

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