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Found in [Package]

1.0.0 (preview 6)

Issue ID




Binding mouse position on an action will override any other bindings even when not moved

Package: Input System


When binding Position of the mouse to an action, the value will always be reported through ReadValue, even if the mouse wasn't moved but the other binding (e.g. a gamepad Thumbstick) was triggered. This is fixed when the Action Type is changed from Value to Pass Through

On the attached project, just open WorkingScene with a gamepad connected. Click play and don't move the mouse. The right pad thumstick will rotate the character. Move the mouse, the character will rotate to point toward the mouse, but now the thumbstick won't work anymore. Changing the Orient action type to "Pass through" on the Input Action Asset called PlayerActions in the Root Folder will fix the problem.

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