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Baked Lightmap contains colors that are not created by any Light when switching to Android Platform using Low Lightmap Encoding

Progressive Lightmapper


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project "Case_1197867"
2. Open "SampleScene"
3. Notice the Lightmap on "Cube" GameObject

Expected results: Lightmap is baked without Artifacts and using only the Lights that illuminate the GameObject
Actual results: Lightmap is baked with artifacts and other colors(mostly red) appear on some areas of the Lightmap

Reproducible with: 2019.2.13f1, 2019.3.13f1, 2020.1.0a13

Notes: Lightmap Encoding is not available for the Android Platform in Unity 2018.4. Reproduces with Vulkan and OpenGL. Switching to StandAlone platform does create a Low-quality Lightmap but does not contain unnecessary colors

  1. Resolution Note:

    Low quality lightmap encoding can introduce compression artifacts. Please try switching to higher quality lightmap encoding in the Project Settings. Also, make sure that Compress Lightmaps flag is unchecked in the Lighting Settings window.
    Alternatively, you can try overriding lightmap texture encoding in the texture importer window for your platform of choice.

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