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Fixed in 5.1.0



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AW key/tangent edits change current time

Animation Window


AW key/tangent edits change current time

1. What happened
In two specific cases, editing the tangent or the timing of keys in the dopesheet, changes/affects current time (red line), when it should not.
This is not the case in 5.0

2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached

(a) Current time changes when editing a smooth tangent
Create an object with a free smooth tangent
Change the current time to be in the interpolation between your two keys
Click and drag the tangent/handle (not key) and the current time jumps to the key you are editing (bad)
It is ok to change the current time when editing the "key", but not when editing the "tangent".
Note: Editing the tangent without affecting the current time is extremely useful when you want to visualize how the interpolation change will affect your object.
(See attached BUG_TimeChangeOnTangentEdit.swf video)

(b) Playback (time) is affected by key edits in the dopesheet
Create an object with multiple keys over time (longer time is easier to see)
Click the play button in the AW
While the animation is playing back, click and drag keys in the dopesheet...
note that the current time/playback is affected/synced to the key(s) you are currently editing (bad)
Note: It is very usefull to be able to let the animtion play back while changing the timing in the dopesheet since this give the user instant feedback of his timing change without being distracted by the animation jumping in time on every edit.
(See attached BUG_TimeChangeOnPlaybackEdit.swf)

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