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Preview -1.6.0

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AssetBundle does not correctly contain dependency when PrefabVariant is used

Package: AssetBundle - GraphTool


To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Build an asset bundle with AssetBundle Browser
3. Inspect the built asset bundles

Actual results: The AssetBudle shows that it has 0 dependencies when PrefabVariant is used
Expected results: The AssetBudle should not correct amount of dependencies when PrefabVariant is used

Reproduced with: 2018.4.15f1; 2019.3.0f4; 2020.1.0a17

Note: Image attached

  1. Resolution Note:

    Prefab variants do not exist at runtime. Similar to how prefabs in scenes work, variants are baked together into one asset at build time.

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