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Animation's unexposed parent's transform is added to the child object's transform.localPosition



How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-submitted project ("") and open ("SampleScene.unity")
2. In the Project Window under the "Models" folder find the "Wolf_Rig" object and click on it
3. IN its Inspector Window observe that the "WOLF:origin" is not added to the list of "Extra Transforms to Expose"
4. Enter Play Mode and observe the Console Window

Expected result: the 'WOLF:camera_FOV' object's localPosition.z is returned as between 0 and 1
Actual result: the transform values are affected by the unexposed parent object (WOLF:origin) and are returned between 2.657 and 3.657

Reproduced in: 2019.2.0a8, 2019.1.0b7, 2018.3.9f1, 2018.3.0a4
Not reproducible: 2018.3.0a3, 2018.2.21f1
Couldn't test with: 2017.4.23f1 (Due to broken prefabs)

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    Even though WOLF:origin is not in the exposed transforms for that rig doesn't mean it's not part of the rig. Since this node is set as the root node of the rig, it's where root motion is evaluated. Root motion application has changed in 2018.3 to make it more coherent, and as such we no longer discard animation on the root node if Apply Root Motion is turned off.

    To reproduce the behaviour of Root curves (Root T and Root Q) with ApplyRootMotion OFF in 2018.3 and following, please turn on Apply Root Motion, and implement OnAnimatorMove like this:

    public class RootMotion : MonoBehaviour {
    public bool enableRootMotion;
    private Animator animator;

    private void OnAnimatorMove()
    if (animator == null)
    animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

    if (enableRootMotion)

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