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AnimationLayerMixer messes up Animation when mixing 2 AnimatorControllerPlayables with the second playable set to Additive



Customer using AnimationLayerMixerPlayable to mix up AnimatorControllerPlayable, however, if one of the AnimatorControllerPlayable is set to additive using SetLayerAdditive API, the Animation messes up

To reproduce:

1. Download attached "" project and open in Unity
2. Open "SampleScene" scene
3. Enter to Play mode
4. Observe that AnimationLayerMixer messes up Animation when mixing 2 AnimatorControllerPlayables with the second playable set to Additive

- Mixing AnimatorControllerPlayable with AnimationClipPlayable works as expected
- Could not check for Regression on Unity 2017.4 because the project becomes Corrupted

Reproduced on Unity 2018.3.14f1, 2018.4.7f1, 2019.1.14f1, 2019.2.3f1, 2019.3.0b1 and 2020.1.0a1

  1. Resolution Note:

    We can't support animation controller on additive layer. There is too many edge case that won't works like root motion so we can't build a generic solution that will works for everybody.
    By definition an additive layer doesn't blend the animation like an override layer and need additive animation to works.
    The only supported way to generate additive animation is with an animation clip setup with a reference pose.

    That been said if the user want to experiment stuff on his own he can use animation jobs with AnimationScriptPlayable and build his own additive controller

    The playable connection would look like this
    LayerMixer.Layer1.input <--- MyScriptPlayable <-- Controller

    in your animation job for MyScriptPlayable you will need to iterate over all the animation stream values to subtract a reference pose to yield an additive animation stream.
    But there is no guarantee that it will work for your use case.

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