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Won't Fix

Won't Fix in 1.2.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Animation Rig does not play correct animation in the Timeline when switching to Debug Mode

Package: Timeline


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “” project
2. Open the “SampleScene” Scene
3. Open Window > Sequencing > Timeline
4. Select GameObject "Timeline" from the Hierarchy
5. Change to Debug Mode
6. Play the Timeline

Expected result: The character is moving its head and body
Actual result: The character is staying still

Reproducible with: 0.3.2-preview, 1.2.0 (2020.3.32f1), 1.2.0 (2020.3.32f1, 2021.2.19f1, 2022.1.0b15, 2022.2.0a9)
Could not test: 0.2.7-preview (Animation would not play), 2019.4.36f1 (Animation Rigging package version too low, animation doesn’t play correctly)

- This can sometimes also happen after deleting Library or changing Unity versions
- Previously this was inconsistently reproduced by enabling/disabling Burst "Enable Compilation" and deleting the Library folder
- Happens with any version of Timeline (1.4.8+)

Workaround: This gets fixed by changing to a different Scene and going back to the first one

  1. Resolution Note:

    There are no fixes planned for this Bug

  2. Resolution Note (1.2.X):

    This is caused by how the default pose is handled in Timeline. In order for Timeline to blend with a sane pose when blending with the scene, we create a default pose with the scene values when we first go in preview. Right now, it seems like the default pose is not calculated properly when there is a RigBuilder.

    Fixing the unstable previewing behaviour in Timeline means they would not be able to preview their specific use case anymore in any condition. The default pose, when it's properly initialized, would override any script changes they would make.

    Using a [ExecuteInEditMode] script with a LateUpdate call to constrain rigs is not the best way to override behaviours in Animation Rigging, and can definitely cause issues when previewing. Instead, I suggest they implement a custom constraint to drive their weights. This will work both in runtime and in the editor while previewing.

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