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Android Vulkan crashes Mali device when accessing null item in StructuredBuffer in shader

Mobile Graphics


1. Open repro project
2. Build apk and run on Android phones which has Mali GPU OR use the apk in Build folder

The repro scene has spheres using shader which has a StructuredBuffer and access to the second item in fragment function.
Since the StructuredBuffer is empty which has no data so it will be error.
But the scene only crashes on :

Samsung Galaxy S7, Vulkan
GPU : Mali-T880

Also tested on the following devices / APIs and has no crash:
Samsung Galaxy S7 - Mali - GLES3
Nexus 6 - Adreno - GLES3
Nvidia Shield - Tegra - GLES3
Nvidia Shield - Tegra - Vulkan
Windows APIs including Windows Vulkan

Reproducible in : 2017.2.0b8, 2017.1.0p5, 5.6.3f1

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