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An uninformative error is thrown when entering Play mode after canceling Script Compilation of Feature set installation



Reproduction steps:
1. Create and open a new project
2. Click on the Install button of any Feature set in Package Manager
3. Click on the Cancel button of the Compiling Scripts process
4. Enter Play mode and observe the Console

Expected result: An error that specifies what caused it is thrown
Actual result: An error is thrown but doesn’t specify what caused it

Reproducible with: 2022.2.18f1, 2023.1.0b15, 2023.2.0a13
Could not test with: 2020.3.48f1 (Cancel button does not work), 2021.3.24f1 (No Feature sets)

Reproduced on: macOS Monterey 12.6 (Intel), Windows 11 (by the reporter)

Note: Full error message - “All compiler errors have to be fixed before you can enter playmode!
UnityEditor.SceneView:ShowCompileErrorNotification ()”

  1. Resolution Note:

    The editor does not distinguish between failing compilation with errors or compilation being cancelled. Recompile scripts succesfully will allow you to enter play mode

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