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All active Audio Sources play their Clips when the "Play On Awake" checkbox is enabled and Scene view Audio is unmuted


How to reproduce:
1. Open the ““ project
2. Open the “Audio“ Scene
3. Focus on the Scene view
4. Select in the Hierarchy the “Audio Source“ GameObject and enable it in the Inspector (if not enabled)
5. Enable the Audio Source Component (if not enabled) in the Inspector
6. Enable the “Play On Awake“ checkbox in the audio Source Component
7. In the Scene view overlays enable Scene Audio with the speaker icon
8. Observe the Editor

Expected result: No audio is heard
Actual result: Active Audio Sources are playing their Clips

Reproducible in: 2022.1.0a1, 2022.3.60f1, 6000.0.43f1, 6000.1.0b11, 6000.2.0a7

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (24H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

- If there are multiple Audio Sources in the Scene, all of them will be played at once
- If the GameObject and/or Audio Source Component is enabled after unmuting the Scene Audio, the Clip will not play
- If “Play On Awake“ on the Audio Source Component is disabled, the Clip will not play
- The speaker icon has a “Toggle Audio on or off“ tooltip, which can be a little misleading

  1. Resolution Note:

    Thanks for your report! This behavior is by design. The toggle can be used to preview the audio sources in the scene and as such those that have play on awake toggled on should play when you toggle the scene view audio on. However, we are aware that the manual and tooltip are ambiguous, and we’ll consider improving them in the future.

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