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[Addressables] Update a Previous Build fails when local-static bundles have modified dependencies

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open user-submitted "" and Scenes/SampleScene scene
2. Open Window/Asset Managment/Addressables/Groups
3. Select Build/New Build/Default Build Script
4. Select Sprites/Adventurer/Individual Sprites/adventurer-attack1-00.png asset
5. Open it in an image editor and draw a line on it(or modify the file in any other way)
6. Select Prefabs/Adventurer Attack1 00 prefab
7. In the inspector, change the Color to green(or modify the file in any other way)
8. Open Window/Asset Managment/Addressables/Groups
9. Select Build/Update a Previous Build and choose addressables_content_state file
10. Enter the Play mode
11. Observe the errors in Console window

Expected result: Sprite and Prefab are both loaded
Actual result: Only the Sprite is loaded

Reproducible with: 1.8.5-1.16.7(2019.4.14f1, 2020.1.14f1, 2020.2.0b11, 2021.1.0a6)
Could not test with: 2018.4.29f1(could not downgrade)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Dependencies for local static content will load correctly without running "Check for content updates" as long as the internal asset bundle name is unchanged since the last build.

    New options for the internal naming of asset bundles were added in 1.17.0-preview For older versions the bundle name always includes the hash of its entries (same behavior as BundleInternalIdMode.GroupGuidProjectIdEntriesHash). In this case adding or removing entries to the group would modify the existing bundle name, and any assets that have dependencies in this group will not be able to load the dependencies correctly.

    1.17-17 adds new behavior for "Check for content updates" where dependencies for local static content are only flagged as modified if the bundle name changed.

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