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Addressables - Obsolete code used in AssetBundleProvider.cs

Package: Addressables


The file AssetBundleProvider.cs, provided as part of the Addressables package, uses obsolete code:

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.addressables@1.1.0-preview\Runtime\ResourceManager\ResourceProviders\AssetBundleProvider.cs(136,13): warning CS0618: 'UnityWebRequest.chunkedTransfer' is obsolete: 'HTTP/2 and many HTTP/1.1 servers don't support this; we recommend leaving it set to false (default).'

1. Open Unity
2. Open the attached project
3. Open Packages/com.unity.addressables/Runtime/ResourceManager/ResourceProviders/AssetBundleProvider.cs
4. Go to line 136

Expected Result:
The code does not use any features marked as obsolete.

Actual Result:
Obsolete code is used.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on preview-1.1.0

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.1x or higher):

    It appears the chunkedTransfer line has been wrapped in a #if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER define which should have solved this issue.

Comments (1)

  1. Sentogivents

    Aug 01, 2020 07:13

    Thanks for the info, it was helpful.

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