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Fixed in 1.3.3



Found in [Package]

1.2.2, 1.2.4

Issue ID




[Addressables] InstantiateAsync().Task is never completed

Package: Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ("")
2. Open the repro scene ("Bootstrap")
3. Switch target platform to WebGL
4. Build Player Content
5. Enter Play Mode and notice "Done loading the instance as task" log in the console
6. Exit Play Mode
7. Make a WebGL build and run it
8. Inspect the browser logs for the same log

Expected results: Log can be found (the task is completed)
Actual results: Log is absent (the task is never completed)

Reproducible with: 2018.4.10f1, 2019.2.8f1, 2019.3.0b6, 2020.1.0a7
Couldn't test with 2017.4 (no package manager)
Reproducible with package versions: 1.2.2, 1.2.4 (couldn't test with earlier versions because of API differences)

1. The GameObject is still instantiated, even if the Task status is never changed
2. Once the page is refreshed dependency exceptions are thrown

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.3.3):

    Multi-threaded APIs aren't supported on WebGL - that's why Task doesn't work.
    New WebGL error messages are added to help address the issue, and there will be documentation updates.This update should be released end of Oct or beginning of Nov.

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