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Fixed in 1.17.5-preview



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Addressables] Incorrect RemoteLoadPath when Bundle Naming Mode is set to Filename

Package: Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's attached project and Scenes/SampleScene scene
2. Select Window/Asset Management/Addressables/Groups and Build/New Build/Default Build Script
3. Navigate to <ProjectRootFolder>/ServerData/StandaloneWindows
4. Open catalog_<timestamp>.json file and observe the bundle remote load path (search for "m_InternalIds" to locate it)

Expected result: Load path starts with "http://localhost/StandaloneWindows/..."
Actual result: Load path starts with "ServerData/StandaloneWindows\..."

Reproducible with: 1.16.16 - 1.17.4-preview (2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.20f1, 2020.2.5f1, 2021.1.0b8, 2021.2.0a7)
Not reproducible with: 1.16.15, 1.17.5-preview (2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.20f1, 2020.2.5f1, 2021.1.0b8, 2021.2.0a7)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.17.5-preview):

    Fixed in: Addressables 1.17.5-preview

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