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Fixed in 1.6.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Addressables] Built-in modules aren't marked as dependencies

Package: Addressables


To reproduce:
1) Open the attached project
2) Open Package Manager
3) Go to Built-in packages
4) Try deleting one of the following: AssetBundle, JsonSerialize, UnityWebRequest, UnityWebRequestAssetBundle

Expected: Error is thrown that Addressables depend on them
Actual: Deleting is allowed, console throws compilation errors on Addressables code after the built-in package is removed

Reproduced in package version 1.1.5, 1.2.3

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.6.0):

    In 2019.3 and 2020.1 - the dependencies will be flagged and the user gets a message saying they need to uninstall Addressables first. This happens when trying to disable a package from built-in or disabling the dependency packages from "All Packages" list.

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