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[Addressables] Addressables Groups window is empty on launch

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project
2. Import Addressables package using Package Manager
3. Go Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Groups
4. Dock the Addressables Groups window
5. Shut down the Editor and re-open the project

Expected result: Information in the Addressables Groups window will be visible
Actual result: The Addressables Groups windows is empty

6. Close the Addressables window and re-open it to resolve the issue

Reproducible with: 1.16.16 (2018.4.34f1, 2019.4.25f1, 2020.3.6f1, 2021.1.5f1, 2021.2.0a15), 1.16.19 (2020.3.6f1)
Not reproducible with: 1.16.15, 1.17.17 (2020.3.6f1)
Could not test with: 2021.2.0a15 because 1.16.16 package version is not available

1. This is a package regression -> regression version: 1.16.16
2. The customer mentioned that the problem with the window results in an undeployable application (I was not able to verify this as we did not have access to the project)
3. The issue does not occur on any of the 1.17.x package versions

  1. Resolution Note:

    As described in the ticket, this is already resolved in 1.17.x. As there is a workaround possible, we will not be backporting a fix.

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