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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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[Accelerator] installer indicates success after the installation fails

Asset - Database


Reproduction steps:
1. Download Unity Accelerator installer from here:
2. Launch the installer
3. Follow the installation until the Protocol Configuration window
4. Select both: "Accelerate Asset Import Pipeline" and "Accelerate Unity Collaborate"
5. Provide incorrect or invalid Registration Key and continue
6. Enter any credentials and proceed to install
7. The installation will fail with a collab UnityInviteToken error. Press next
8. Final installation window will appear

Expected result: the installer indicates failure during installation
Actual result: the installer says that Unity Accelerate is running, shows dashboard host IP and port (the dashboard is not running)

I tested this on macOS

Note: the installer should either stop at the step where incorrect credentials were provided, or the installer should indicate that the installation failed (at the last window).

  1. Resolution Note:

    Postponed, until we revisit the installer.

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