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[2019.3][macOS] EndLayoutGroup error is thrown when Confirming or Declining the Extraction of Materials
To reproduce:
1. Download attached "1172619_repro (1).zip" project in Unity
2. In Project window select "untitled.fbx" gameObject
3. In Inspector press Materials button, to go to Model Importer Material Editor
4. Press "Extract Materials..." button
5. In opened "Select Materials Folder" window press Choose button
6. When the next window opens press No or Yes
Expected results: Your decision is respected and nothing else happens
Actual results: Your decision is respected but in Console, there will be thrown Error:
"EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:187)"
- This issue seems to reproduce only on macOS with the specs as my Machine
- This issue seems to reproduce only on 2019.3 releases which are after 2019.3.9f1
- More info in Comments section
Reproduced on Unity 2019.3.10f1 and 2019.3.13f1
Not reproduced on Unity 2019.3.9f1, 2020.1.0b7 and 2020.2.0a9
Regression on Unity 2019.3.10f1
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Resolution Note (2020.2.X):
The issue is with re-entrant ProcessInputEvent() in this particular case, when the DisplayDialog() is called. As the issue is not present in the trunk and there is no effect on the functionality, the current bug would not be fixed due to the risks involved.