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[Lighting] Tooltips missing for Workflow Settings Options in 'Scene' Tab...
Tooltips for options like 'Display Weights' 'Display Occlusion' under Workflow Settings > Light Probe Visualization in Scene Tab of ... Read more
[Terrain Tools] "Download Asset Samples from Asset Store" button is miss...
After install isn't a button anymore for "Download Asset Samples from Asset Store" on the top! You must browse by yourself at Asset ... Read more
Texture on Particle is not displayed when the particle and mesh are put ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attache demo project 2. Open Scenes/Sample Scene and Enter the Play Mode 3. Inspect... Read more
Gradient property can't be Exposed from the ShaderGraph
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached GradientPropertyShaderGraphBug.png project 2. Go to the Project window-> open Issue.shadergr... Read more
[Profile Analyzer] Offset depth value is incorrect when when comparing P...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the Profile Analyzer 2. Go into the compare tab 3. Load 'Profile Analyzer - Capture (2019.3.6f1).data.pdat... Read more
[Profile Analyzer] Offset depth value always contains a '+' when when co...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the Profile Analyzer 2. Go into the compare tab 3. Load 'editorcapture.pdata' into 1st data slot 4. Load '... Read more
[Profile Analyzer] Top markers from median frame showing negative level ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the Profile Analyzer 2. Go into the compare tab 3. Load 'editorcapture.pdata' into 1st data slot 4. Load '... Read more
Custom editor do not respect the hide in editor flag
The inspector custom editor are still shown even if the target object specify to be hidden in the inspector. Steps: 1- Create a new... Read more
[Mac] Many artifacts can be seen in Scene View when Scene Light is enabl...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Add a cube to the scene 3. Turn off the skybox 2. In Scene View tab, toggle Scene Lig... Read more
[ECS] NotImplementedException exception is thrown on Standalone Builds w...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene") 3. Enter P... Read more
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Latest issues
- Opening many tabs in the same tab group doesn't automatically scroll to the newly opened tab
- MeshCollider does not detect collisions with Capsules and CharacterController when using Physics.ComputePenetration
- UI Toolkit Debugger search text cursor and background text are overlapping
- Screen.resolutions does not return the correct list of supported resolutions when called on a MacBook Pro with a notch
- Changing Environment Profiles in Lighting window throws "NullReferenceException" error