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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X, 2023.1.X, 2023.2.X, 2023.3.X



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Issue ID




Reflection Probe does not overwrite the Environment Reflections when Rendering Path is set to Forward+



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “ForwardPlusReflection“ project
2. Open the “ReproScene“
3. In the “Assets/URP Renderer“ set the Rendering Path to Forward or Deferred
4. In the Control area of the Lighting window select Bake Reflection Probes
5. Observe the reflections on the “TestSphere“ GameObject
6. In the “Assets/URP Renderer“ set the Rendering Path to Forward+
7. In the Control area of the Lighting window select Bake Reflection Probes
8. Observe the reflections on the “TestSphere“ GameObject

Expected result: The “TestSphere“ reflects the other GameObjects placed in the Scene with all the Rendering Path options
Actual result: The “TestSphere“ reflects the other GameObjects in the Scene with the Rendering Path set to Forward or Deferred but with the Rendering Path set to Forward+ it reflects the Skybox material

Reproducible with: 2022.3.13f1, 2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.0b17, 2023.3.0a14
Could not test with: 2021.3.32f1 (Forward+ is not an option for the Rendering Path)

Reproducible on: macOS 13.5.2 (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Notes: Reproducible in Player

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