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[WMR] Center of a scene shifts every time a new scene is loaded



Center of a scene shifts every time a new scene is loaded

Steps to Repro:
1. Download attached project
2. Run any scene
3. Wear on Acer WMR device
4. Gaze at the arrow to load next scene

Actual Result:
1. The center of the scene shifts every time it's loaded
2. I think this is a bad user experience as the person has to rotate himself to align with the center of the world,
3. It also gives a feeling the world has suddenly shifted

Expected Result:
The scene should load in the old center position

Windows Only

Device Used:
Acer WMR

Occurring with:
2019.3.0a2, 2019.2.0b1. 2019.2.0f1, 2017.4.16f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Roomscale tracking will prevent this behavior. We load the scene in the current forward when tracking space is Stationary as the headset has no concept of which way "forward" is without roomscale tracking.

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