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Under Consideration for 1.3.X, 7000.0.X



Found in [Package]

1.0.16 (Patch 4)

1.2.0-exp.3 - Entities

1.3.X - Entities


Issue ID




"WithoutBurst" and "WithBurst" methods throw "SGICE002" error

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “EntitiesSetWithoutBurstIssue” project
2. Open and observe the “RunWithoutBurst” script
3. Close the script and observe the Console

Expected result: No error is thrown
Actual result: The “SGICE002" error is thrown

Reproduced on: 1.0.16, 1.2.0-exp.3 (2022.3.14f1)

Reproduced with: Windows 10 (by reporter), Windows 11
Not reproduced with: No other environment tested

Note: If no error is thrown reimport the script by right-clicking on the “RunWithoutBurst.cs” Asset in the Project window and select “Reimport”

Full error thrown to the Console:

{noformat}Assets\RunWithoutBurst.cs(8,1): error SGICE002: This error indicates a bug in the DOTS source generators. We'd appreciate a bug report (Help -> Report a Bug...). Thanks! Error message: 'System.InvalidOperationException: No Ancestor T found. |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.Common.SyntaxExtensions.AncestorOfKind[T](SyntaxNode node) |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.LambdaJobs.LambdaJobsModule.RegisterChangesInSystem(SystemDescription systemDescription) |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemGenerator.Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)'{noformat}

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