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Fixed in 2018.2.X



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[HiDPI] Windows only scale to the size of monitor with Editor on multi-size monitor setup



Steps to reproduce:
1. Make sure you have a setup with multiple monitors of high resolution
2. Create a new project
3. Drag the editor to monitor with lower resolution
4. Un-dock any window and drag it to the main high resolution monitor
5. Try to maximize the window

Expected result: Window is properly maximized over the whole screen
Actual result: window is only maximized to a certain point

Reproduced on 5.4.5p3 5.5.4f1, 5.6.1p3, 2017.1.0b9, 2017.2.0a3

-Maximizes fine if editor is on the same monitor as the trying to maximize in
-User claims this reproduces on a setup with 1440p monitors. I was only able to reproduce it on 4k x 1080p monitor setup

Comments (4)

  1. whiznishant

    May 04, 2018 05:55

    I am also seeing this issue with my 4k monitor and a 1080p monitor setup in Unity 2017.3.1f1.

  2. atadogan

    Nov 25, 2017 19:38

    Please fix this my main monitor is 4k and my secondary is 1080p and i cannot use my second monitor for different unity windows the scale is way off and everything rendered is super low resolution.

  3. DiGiaCom-Tech

    Sep 07, 2017 17:09

    There are allot of secondary issues related to this 'not maximizing issue'. My scene window is placed on the main monitor (2560x1440) and will not maximize to full screen. This presents issues with the mouse moving OFF the window while you are trying to drag an object into position, rotate translate scale objects, or simply re-orient the view. When the mouse moves off the scene the Unity3D Editor seems to forget what you are doing and snaps back to wherever it was. VERY annoying and time consuming!

  4. Forrest-Trepte

    Aug 09, 2017 16:10

    I am seeing a similar multi-monitor issue. In Windows display settings, my right monitor is at 150% scale for "change the size of text apps and other items" and my left monitor is at 100%. (The right monitor is higher resolution.) I use the Unity editor on my right monitor and whenever I open new Unity editor windows such as the Profiler window, the window fails to appear on the screen. Once this happens I'm stuck and can never get that window back unless I reset to factory settings. If the scale setting match it works properly but my two monitors have very different resolutions that aren't usable at the same scale setting.

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